Leadership Skills
- Time Management - This is certainly one of the biggest challenges for a leader. This TED talk will give you tips on how to get done what’s most important to you.
- Semester Planning - This tool will help you plan according to the long-term vision you have for your university and help you figure out how to make your plans become reality.
- Vision Casting - For people to join you they need to understand where you are headed. What is it you want to see happen? How realistic is it? How long might it take? Will it be fun? Personally fulfilling? Does it sound exciting to them?
Being able to cast vision to others is one of the most of the most important aspects of leadership. This TED talk gives some simple tips on how to cast a compelling vision and inspire others.
- Raising Local Resources - One of your roles as a leader is to help gather resources for your team to accomplish your mission. You might need funding to print some materials, do some advertising, find a room to meet in, find a microphone to borrow, etc. Here is a guide for you to be successful in this area of raising local resources.