Asking God for Every
In Student-Led Movements we are asking God to accomplish, and for us to work toward:
the gospel for every student,
a movement for every campus,
leaders for every nation.
This isn’t just a nice idea, it comes from what Jesus taught.
In Mark 1:35-39, Jesus tells his disciples, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came.”
This theme of the “Every’s” is seen in Matthew 28:18-20--what we call the Great Commission. Jesus commands us to go make disciples of all nations. We cannot be content with only building a movement where we are. That is just the beginning! There are still others to engage with the gospel.
This might mean starting looking for Key Volunteers in a new section of your university. Or maybe you start a new movement in at a different university or a new city. Or perhaps you look for leaders who could. You might even challenge your friends at universities without a spiritual movement to start one.
God can use you to spread a movement to places you might not even imagine right now!

"I was a college freshman. Joining a Christian movement was very important to me. I found a community where I could grow as a Christian and be encouraged to share with others who Jesus is.
It was also a very important year for the movement in my city. Some months before, the movement had only two students involved in only one campus, and at that time, they ardently prayed for God to send more disciples with teachable hearts.
That’s what God did. He sent more and more disciples with compassionate hearts for those who didn’t know Jesus. After that, the movement spread to other campus in my city.
It is very encouraging to see how God is at work in the hearts of many students here and how He is making us a community committed to share the gospel.
Since then, we have had powerful experiences sharing the gospel, discipling others, consolidating friendships and going to summer missions and conferences. The movement is still growing and today we are in 8 campuses in Maceio and 3 other cities in our state. Discipleship and depending on the Holy Spirit were key for us."
Ada Rizia - student leader in Maceió, Brazil