How to Get Started
Your first step is to look for Christian students who might have the same desire. You want to find students who are willing to share the gospel with others. Students who are willing to believe God for big things.
Ask God to help you find these students. Just as God worked in your heart, giving you this desire to build a spiritual movement on your campus, God has likely put the same desire on others’ hearts. He can lead you to them.
Step out and try some things, believing that God will lead you to find those like-minded students.
1. Use the Key Volunteer Challenge.
Ask individual students on campus this question:
“I’m a student here and I’m looking for other students to join a new campus organization we are starting. It’s for students who have an interest in God or who want to grow in their Christian faith. Is this something that you think you’d be interested in? Do you know other people who might be interested in this?”
When you find Christian students who are interested in possibly joining you, use the Key Volunteer Challenge. Watch the video…
The Key Volunteer Challenge is an organized way of presenting the Great Commission and explaining spiritual multiplication to a student. In addition, by challenging students to share their faith with five non-believing friends and the Key Volunteer Challenge with five other Christians, you quickly have the chance to find 10 students who are aligned with the vision of making disciples.
2. Share the Gospel.
By sharing the gospel with students on your campus, you are likely to meet some believers in the process. For guidance in how to share the gospel, please go here.
3. Put Up Posters.
Put up posters around campus. One example is: “Are you a Christian who wants to make a difference on this campus? Find us in room 203 of the Physics building every Wednesday at noon.”
You can also put up these same posters in evangelical churches near your campus. They can be simple and inexpensive – even a marker hand-drawn on a sheet of paper.
4. Set up a table on campus.
Have fliers about small groups you offer with the time and location of where they meet. Have a signup sheet. Talk to students who come by. Hand out a flier or business card to, to everyone who comes to the table. You can say, “Here’s a great site that takes on the hard questions about life and God.”
5. Run Facebook ads.
You would need to set up a Facebook fan page. You could call your page Cru___. (Insert the abbreviation of your campus, like CruSMU.) Then you can post an invitation to your organization. Then run ads to Christians on your campus, by advertising your post. (Facebook calls this a “promoted post.”) To find Christians to advertise to, search Facebook for people interested in the Bible, certain Christian music artists, pastors, or Christian books AND who attend your university. Then you can run these ads:
What you need to make the ads:
1) Ad’s landing page:
2) Ad text (headline is in bold):
Watch God Use You
God can work through your life on this campus. Click here to find out how.
Tell Others about Jesus?
You would be amazed at how God can use your life on this campus. Click here to find out how.
Help Students Find Jesus
There are easy ways you could reach students on your campus. We’ll tell you how. Click here.
Help Students Find Jesus?
There are easy ways you could reach students on your campus. We’ll tell you how. Click here.
3) Photos - save as jpg to your computer: